
Healthy Mothers Have Happy Families

You can help new mothers build healthy families.

Your donation will help them get the full recuperation they need to continue nurturing  their families. Provide new mothers with meals, baby nurses, baby furniture and so much more.

Your gift will grant care and aid for new mothers.


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Who we help?

Mazal tov! A new baby is born, and its family and community celebrates. But along with the joy, comes exhaustion. Along with the celebration, is a new mother who is weak and vulnerable. That’s why Jewish communities have always tended to new mothers, and helped them in every possible way.

But in recent times, the traditional support system is gone. Mothers are discharged from the hospital as shortly as twenty four hours after childbirth, with limited resources. Women are expected to bounce back to normalcy almost immediately. Most women can expect little or no help from family and friends.

Families suffer. Women fall apart. And the incidence of postpartum depression rises, causing great harm.

Kimpatorin Aid helps postpartum women and their families – and ensures that they are physically and emotionally ready to meet the demands of their new baby.

How we help

Kimpatorin Aid assesses each situation individually and provides assistance according to the needs of the family. Following are some of our main factors.

Let's do it together

Every donation helps provide crucial assistance that enables families to be happy, thriving and self-sufficient. Kimpatorin Aid is a temporary life-giving anchor that allows women to recuperate and provide a wonderful, healthy home for their families. All of this is made possible by people like you.

Kimpatorin aid is a recognized and certified 501(c)(3)

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Copyright © 2010- Kimpatorin Aid

Website by Capital C

1324 50 Street

Brooklyn, NY 11219

Phone: 718.483.8400